1984 Essay Throughout George Orwells 1984 Julia and Winston formed a patently well-nigh and loving relationship in the midst of a squirm parliamentary law. The question is however, are these feelings real? entirely of the facts are pointing towards Julia world part of the Thought Police and luck them to bring in Winston. Julia does non love Winston because no one in Winstons society give notice be trusted and Julias questionable lifestyle. In Winstons society nobody atomic number 50 be trusted. The consentient society is built upon lies being told and acquire the heap to swear them. In a society where the retiring(a) can be changed within seconds no one can be trusted. Julia is bonny another prevaricator that Winston believes. Many people who Winston met throughout the parole were liars and deceitful. OBrien for one was a liar when Winston was convinced he was part of the Brotherhood. An Inner Party appendage, OBrien convinced Winston he was likewise a member of the Brotherhood. OBrien is the norm in the society in 1984; a liar, non only was OBrien out to take down Winston merely so was Mr. Charrington. A kind and seemingly encouraging man, Mr. Charrington seems to section Winstons fill in the past.

He also seems to keep Winstons anarchy against the Party and his relationship with Julia, since he rents Winston a room without a telescreen in which to carry out his affair. barely Mr. Charrington is not as he seems. He is a member of the Thought Police. Liars and cloak-and-dagger Thought Police surround Winston, so why would Julia be any different? Signs point toward Julia operative with the Thought Police. She threw a shoe at a allege! d(prenominal) rat, and discovered how deathly afraid Winston was of rats. Coincidentally when Winston was being torture rats were used. This leads me to believe that Julia was also a liar and was in on the plan to catch Winston all along. The lifestyle Julia leads raises many questions somewhat her motives as well. Julia just knows Winston, yet she claims to love him. This is very odd, in particular in the...If you compulsion to get a full essay, rove it on our website:
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