Monday, January 27, 2014

The american dream

The Opportunity is Just as Important as the assume                                    Opportunity is defined in Websters Dictionary as A good position, risk or prospect for learning which is easily connected to the idea of The the Statesn ideate. After all, isnt the States known as The land of fortune? nigh population came to America, and still come for that matter, in calculate of a give life through hard work and allegiance to their cause. In Chinamans Chance: Reflections on the American Dream by Eric Liu, it is stated that (the American Dream) does demand the opportunity to reach out progress-and values the opportunity as much as the handment. This literary argument is imperative because it gives recognition to those who try to reach their goals, hitherto if they cannot achieve them extensivey. Throughout history, we see people voyaging to America in search of a new life and new opportunities. Whether it be the Puritans escaping sacred persecution, the Colonists in search of a new graze to shit them rich, or immigrants looking for a better fructify to lead and raise their children, all are given a chance to achieve the goals they have set for themselves in America. For example, when the Puritans came to America in search of religious freedom, they were given the opportunity to go high-risk fresh and practice their faith; most of them cherished this operation and eventually achieved spiritual satement. Of course, this achievement was not effortless: the Puritans demanded more than than strict doctrines and often fought among themselves in order to agree on such things. The main picture is that they were given the opportunity to set up their goal and whether they achieve it is not as important as the effort and dedication that was put into the cause.         Using the opportunity, such as that given to immigrants, to better their lives... If you want to get a i! n full essay, order it on our website:

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