Saturday, September 7, 2019

Robert Mondavi and the Wine Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Robert Mondavi and the Wine Industry - Essay Example However, owing to the economic downturn the sales of wine had reduced over the tenure of six months. Moreover, the company has been facing several threats from various sectors of the society both at national and international level. The economic downturns have affected the wine market leading to a fall in the sales of wine over the tenure of the past six months. The company has been planning to change the strategy so that it can increase the sales of the company and ensure long term sustainability. However, it was noted that the Robert Mondavi’s wine industry to maintain the high quality of the wine used grapes from the personally owned vineyards. It has also been observed that the cost of land acquisition has also gone up, which has led to the increase in the cost of production. Conversely, the company even has an intangible strength of being innovation oriented. This initiates the ability of the company to enhance their quality as per the changing taste and preferences of the consumers. This would help the company to meet their sales need in the long run. Providing quality as per the preferences of consumer is an important consideration fo9r the business sustainability (Roberto 1-32). Contextually, Mondavi in order to maintain their competitive advantage should be selecting a particular segment and then market their product. This would help the company to gain a profitable index providing the company with brand equity and incorporate the culture of innovation. Since, the company is inclined towards producing high-quality of wine it would be able to meet the changing needs of the consumers successfully. In order to develop its productivity the company should provide clarity to their product. This would enhance their share in the US market. Moreover, with a positive trend in the growth of wine consumption the company can claim its competitive advantage in the long run.

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